Jason Mussman

21st Century Fox Corporate Logo [1] Source: 21st Century Fox
21st Century Fox was formed on June 28, 2013 with the division of News Corp into two separate companies, 21st Century Fox (The Entertainment Properties) and News Corp (The Publishing Properties) [2]. Founded by Rupert Murdoch, one of the most recognized names in the entertainment industry today, 21st Century Fox was created to bring about the future of film and broadcasting industry [3]. Rupert Murdoch still remains Executive Chairman of the Board but on July 1st 2015 Rupert Murdoch’s son, James Murdoch, took over as CEO [4]. 21st Century Fox has a broad portfolio of global assets in the broadcast and film industry. 21st Century Fox’s most prominent broadcast network are the FOX Networks.
Early in June 2015 21st Century Fox and News Corp. reached an agreement to move their world headquarters [5]. The new headquarters will be at the second World Trade Center site. The building being developed by Bjarke Ingels Group, will house studios, be completely state of the art and will put a new more meaningful location to 21st Century Fox [5]
Executive Leadership

Rupert Murdoch [6]
Executive Chairman – 21st Century Fox. Source: Eva Rinaldi

Lachlan Murdoch [7] Executive Chairman – 21st Century Fox. Source: Deadline

James Murdoch [8]
CEO – 21st Century Fox. Source: Deadline
21st Century Fox reaches over 1.8 Billion customers daily through its portfolio of film, cable and broadcast networks [9]. 21st Century Fox has assets in both the broadcast

Some assets owned by 21st Century Fox [11] Source: 21st Century Fox
and cable networks including, FOX, YES, FX, FXX, FOX News Channel, FOX Sports and the most recently acquired, National Geographic [9].
The FOX network currently has 16 shows in its fall lineup with hit show Empire, leading the ratings [10].

Fox Sports logo [13] Source: Fox Sports
21st Century Fox continually innovates, standing behind its cable networks to drive revenue growth. The 21st Century Fox brand is globally recognizable because of its strategy to acquire and keep viewers. Sports and News programming is the cornerstone of this strategy [12]. 21st Century Fox continues to combat cord cutting by continuing to improve on its Sports and News content and programming [12]. These two types of content bring in a live audience and help keep 21st Century Fox on top of the marketplace.

21st Century Fox Annual Revenue [15] Source: 21st Century Fox Investor Relations
In Fiscal 2015, 21st Century Fox’ revenue dropped 9% from $31,867,000,000 to $28,987,000,000 [12]. The drop in revenue was due in large part to the sale of its direct broadcast networks [12]. During this same period, 21st Century Fox held nearly 25% of the market share of all Cable Programming, second to only Disney [14]. While Television made up approximately 17% of 21st Century Fox total revenue, it dropped 8%, or $401 Million from 2014 [12]. At the same time, advertising sales decreased by 14%. The main cause of the falling prices was due to lower ratings on the FOX networks entertainment shows [12].

Screenshot of market share for Cable Network Programming [14] Source: CSIMarket
21st Century Fox trades on the Nasdaq under the ticker FOXA. Today, December 1st 2015, the share price for 21st Century fox is $30.26 [16]. This is a 5.56% decline from fiscal 2014 where the stock sat at $35.79 [16]. As stated earlier, the decline in stock price was due to in large part to poor ratings from Fox’s entertainment shows [12].

FOXA Stock Price [27] Source: Google Finance
National Geographic Acquisition

National Geographic Cover – June 1985 [28] Source: National Geographic
With the goal of saving National Geographic and expanding on its efforts in science and innovation, National Geographic and 21st Century Fox agreed on a Joint Venture. The deal took place on September 9th creating the for-profit Joint Venture National Geographic Partners [17]. For $725 Million 21st Century Fox will take control of 73% of National Geographic [18]. This merger will give 21st Century Fox new assets on both the television and print front [19]. This merger will help both National Geographic and 21st Century Fox, and will provide both companies with new assets in both content and financials. The National Geographic endowment will increase to $1 Billion, providing more finances for innovation and research throughout the world [18]. This move will help 21st Century Fox reach a broader audience as well as give it more assets on the digital platform.

Promo for Empire [29] Source: Fox
January 7th 2015, FOX Network, the leading cable network for 21st Century Fox, premiered a new show that would significantly impact 21st Century Fox as well as the world around it. Empire, a show that centers on African American artists and executives, are all seen fighting for control of a music empire [21]. Empire continually leads in ratings each week, bringing in massive revenue for 21st Century Fox [20]. Currently, Empire is the second priciest show for advertisers, coming in just behind Sunday Night football. A typical ad spot for Empire, costs just around $500,000 [32]. While Empire brings in a diverse audience, it is one of the highest rated shows among African American viewers [22]. Empire is doing more than just helping Fox on screen. Because the show centers on the music industry, the show is also constantly creating new songs and new stars [22].
Presidential Debate

Tweet by Justin Haskins after 3rd Republican Primary Debate [30] Source: Justin Haskins, Twitter

Tweet by Mark Simone after 3rd Republican Primary Debate [31] Source: Mark Simone, Twitter
After rival network CNBC inappropriately handled the moderation of the third Republican Presidential primary debate, the RNC suspended its future debate scheduled with CNBC [23]. At this time FOX Business stepped up and requested to host the next debate.
The RNC agreed and stated that “Fox Business won’t become a character in the campaign soap opera”, something that CNBC was accused of doing in the prior debate [23]. CEO James Murdoch later stated that he was going to show America the way a real debate should be handled, giving time to the real issues of the economy and the future and not an entertainment show [23]. This move for FOX will not only help with ratings, it will also bring in significant cash. Because of its estimated 14 million viewer audience, it is estimated that each 30 second spot, will bring into Fox roughly $250,000 [23].
The Future

Assets of 21st Century Fox [26] Source: 21st Century Fox
21st Century Fox will continue to innovate and continue to bring in revenue for its shareholders. With its diverse and ever expanding portfolio, 21st Century Fox will continue to be a a leader in the global entertainment industry. By continually investing and utilizing innovative methods to fight against cord cutting, 21st Century Fox will continue to grow and produce strong earnings for its investors.
Breaking News!
The Primetime Emmy nominated show Bones is currently suing 20th Century Fox, a division of 21st Century Fox [24]. The lawsuit is being brought on by the actors and producers of the show. In the suit the plaintiffs claim that Fox made “sweetheart deals” that cheated them out of tens and millions of dollars [25]. Deschanel and Boreanaz, two of the stars of Bones, claim that they are contractually entitled to 3% of the shows profits. 21st Century Fox has not commented on the suit [24].
[1] “21st Century Fox.” Logopedia. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://logos.wikia.com/wiki/21st_Century_Fox.
[2] “21st Century Fox.” 21st Century Fox. Accessed December 01, 2015. https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/21st-century-fox#/entity.
[3] “21st Century Fox Success Story.” 21st Century Fox Profile, History, Founder, Founded, Ceo. Accessed December 01, 2015. http://successstory.com/companies/21st-century-fox.
[4] Lieberman, David. “It’s Official: James Murdoch To Become Fox CEO Sharing Power With Lachlan.” Deadline. June 16, 2015. Accessed December 01, 2015. http://deadline.com/2015/06/fox-james-murdoch-become-ceo-1201445613/.
[5] News, Bloomberg. “News Corp. Will Move Headquarters to 2 World Trade Center.” Latest from Crains New York Business. June 02, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20150602/REAL_ESTATE/150609962/news-corp-will-move-headquarters-to-2-world-trade-center.
[6] Rinaldi, Eva. “Rupert Murdoch.” Digital image. December 21, 2012. Accessed December 2, 2015. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Murdoch#/media/File:Rupert_Murdoch_-_Flickr_-_Eva_Rinaldi_Celebrity_and_Live_Music_Photographer.jpg.
[7] “Lachlan Murdoch Exits Ten.” TelevisionAU. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://televisionau.com/2014/03/lachlan-murdoch-exits-ten.html.
[8] “James Murdoch Faces Shareholder Resistance Over Board Re-Election.” Deadline. November 20, 2014. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://deadline.com/2014/11/james-murdoch-faces-shareholder-resistance-over-board-re-election-1201290216/.
[9] “Investor Relations .” Investor Relations. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://www.21cf.com/Investor_Relations/.
[10] “FOX 2015-16 Season Ratings (updated 12/1/15) – Canceled TV Shows – TV Series Finale.” Canceled TV Shows TV Series Finale. December 01, 2015. Accessed December 01, 2015. http://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/fox-2015-16-season-ratings-38075/.
[11] “Index of /wp-content/uploads/2014/08.” Index of /wp-content/uploads/2014/08. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://marketbusinessnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/.
[12] “21st Century Fox Annual Report.” Accessed December 2, 2015. http://tcfeuspstrgektron.blob.core.windows.net/uploadedfiles/pages/investor_relations/21cf%202015ar%20web.pdf.
[13] Accessed December 2, 2015. http://a.fssta.com/content/dam/fsdigital/media/images/migration/press-releases/2014/05/06/121913-FSO-FOXSportsLogo-PI.vresize.1200.675.high.35.jpg.
[14] “FOXA’s Competition by Segment and Its Market Share.” Csimarket. Accessed December 1, 2015. http://csimarket.com/stocks/competitionSEG2.php?code=FOXA.
[15] “21st Century Fox Annual Report.” Accessed December 1, 2015. http://tcfeuspstrgektron.blob.core.windows.net/uploadedfiles/pages/investor_relations/21cf%202015ar%20web.pdf.
[16] “Twenty-First Century Fox Inc.” : NASDAQ:FOXA Quotes & News. Accessed December 02, 2015. https://www.google.com/finance?cid=25639.
[17] Laylin, Tafline. “National Geographic Contributors Embrace Fox Deal with Ample Cautio.” The Guardian. September 16, 2015. Accessed December 2, 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/sep/16/national-geographic-21st-century-fox-merger-rupert-murdoch.
[18] “National Geographic Society and 21st Century Fox Agree to Expand Partnership.” National Geographic Society Press Room. September 09, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://press.nationalgeographic.com/2015/09/09/national-geographic-society-21st-century-fox-agree-to-expand-partnership/.
[19] Farhi, Paul. “National Geographic Gives Fox Control of Media Assets in $725 Million Deal.” Washington Post. September 9, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/national-geographic-magazine-shifts-to-for-profit-status-with-fox-partnership/2015/09/09/7c9f034e-56f0-11e5-8bb1-b488d231bba2_story.html.
[20] Porter, Rick. “Rock Steady: The Most Consistently Rated Shows of Fall 2015.” TV By The Numbers by Zap2itcom. November 26, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/11/26/rock-steady-the-most-consistently-rated-shows-of-fall-2015/.
[21] “Empire.” IMDb. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3228904/.
[22] “A SPRAWLING EMPIRE: HOW FOX’S HIT TV SHOW AFFECTS MUSIC.” Nielsen. September 23, 2015. Accessed December 2, 2015. http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/news/2015/a-sprawling-empire-how-foxs-hit-tv-show-affects-music.html.
[23] Gold, Hadas. “For Debate, Fox Business Aims to Be the Anti-CNBC.” POLITICO. November 9, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/fox-business-republican-debate-cavuto-bartiromo-215634.
[24] Patten, Dominic. “Fox “Cheated” ‘Bones’ Stars Out Of More Than $100M, New Profit-Participation Suit Claims.” Deadline. November 30, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://deadline.com/2015/11/bones-lawsuit-david-boreanaz-emily-deschanel-fox-barry-josephson-1201647064/.
[25] Balloni, Matthew. “‘Bones’ Producer Sues Fox for “Accounting Chicanery,” Claims Top Execs “Threatened” Him.” The Hollywood Reporter. November 25, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/bones-producer-sues-fox-accounting-843854.
[26] Mussman, Jason Taylor. 21st Century Fox Brands. Digital image. Accessed December 1, 2015.
[27] “Twenty-First Century Fox Inc.” : NASDAQ:FOXA Quotes & News. Accessed December 02, 2015. https://www.google.com/finance?cid=25639.
[28] “Thoughts on Afghan Girl’s Third Cover Appearance as National Geographic Looks Back, Forward – Reading The Pictures.” Reading The Pictures. October 02, 2013. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://www.readingthepictures.org/2013/10/thoughts-on-afghan-girls-third-cover-as-national-geographic-looks-back-forward/.
[29] “Empire Review – Where Does Your Loyalty Lay? – Screen Sirens TV.” Screen Sirens TV. October 02, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://screensirenstv.com/empire-review-where-does-your-loyalty-lay/.
[30 ]Haskins, Justin. “CNBC Has Totally Discredited Itself Tonight with This Travesty of a Debate. The Questions Have Been Atrocious and Biased. #GOPDebate.” Twitter. October 28, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. https://twitter.com/TheNewRevere/status/659551198098386944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw.
[31] Simone, Mark. “The Big Winner of This Debate – FOX Business Network. CNBC Looking Too Biased, a Little Sleazy and Untrustworthy #GOPDebate #CNBCGOPDebate.” Twitter. October 28, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. https://twitter.com/MarkSimoneNY/status/659548475764420608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw.
[31] Poggi, Jeanine. “TV Ad Pricing Chart: ‘Sunday Night Football,’ ‘Empire’ Are Broadcast’s Most Expensive Ad Buys.” Advertising Age Media RSS. September 24, 2015. Accessed December 02, 2015. http://adage.com/article/media/ad-pricing-chart-sunday-night-football-empire-broadcasts-most-expensive-ad-buys/300516/.