Wisdom of the Crowd #4

While CBS’s Wisdom of the Crowd premiered tonight, today had huge competition for reaching viewers as many shows premiered as well:

Source: eletters@email.cynopsis.com

It will be in interesting once the ratings come in this week to see which shows came out on top and which may get cancelled. WOTC past reviews have not been so glamorous as critics believe that tech crime drama shows are overdone and ultimately are not successful. Only the ratings will reveal who was correct. Sunday night prime time tends to attract the most viewers. WOTC had live tweeting during the premier, promoting audiences to engage with the show. WOTC‘s twitter retweeted many of the tweets, all positive ones of course. The actors and writers’ twitter also tweeted during the show. Facebook posted right before the show. While the post did not explicitly ask for input, users commented on it saying what they thought. As of 10:42 P.M, 47 out of 48 comments are positive. Once the reviews are in, there will be an update.