Minority Report- Post #6 Cut Backs

This week, Minority Report’s rating plateaued and remained at a .7/2. However, the number of viewers dropped from 2.3 million viewers to 2.05 million viewers. This drop in viewership is leading to cutbacks from Fox. This show will sadly most likely not make it to a second season.

Last week, Fox cut back from 13 episodes to 10 episodes. This did not cause too much stress because the 3 episodes that were cut were going to be aired after the fall hiatus. The 10th episode was always meant to be the big finale of the season and Fox will still air the last 10 episodes based on the original plan. Based on the fact that Fox already cut back on the last 3 episodes and no other media platform has picked up the show, Minority Report will most likely be canceled after the first season. The season finale might end up doubling as a series finale as well.
