Quantico #10: From Bad Press to Good Press

No one wants a lawsuit put on their show right after you’ve been ordered for a back 9, and that’s what happened to Quantico Last week, but this week there’s some better press.

First Quantico is nominated twice for the 2016 People’s Choice Awards. Once for Best New TV Drama and the other is for Priyanka Chopra for Favorite Actress in a new TV Series.

Second press, is how Quantico is doing internationally. The Indian market financially is not as large as the United States but, the number of TV Households there is growing and Pryianka is one of their biggest stars. So while Quantico is dubbed into 44 other languages it is being pushed out fastest to India with only a 1-week time delay. This is helping expand ABC to International Markets and helping the build relationships for money, future production and with censorship boards.

Third is that Quantico is adding a huge name to their cast that is bringing someone back to ABC who hasn’t been there in a while, Marcia Cross. This will be her biggest recurring role since her Desperate Housewives days and her fans have already started saying how excited they are to see her debut in her powerful role on the show.

Hopefully all this good press is distracting from the lawsuit that is going on as there has been no further press about it.

