Splitting Up Together #7

Splitting up Together has at long last been previewed to critics and so far it has not received the warmest of receptions. Two different critics have said the show has fallen flat of its standards.

““Splitting Up Together” has a few interesting things to say. It would have been a better show if it didn’t try to be a family sitcom, too.” This quote was from a review on Variety.

“This is just one example of Splitting Up Together’s tendency to go for easy laughs instead of humor that’s rooted in recognizable truth. It also doesn’t make any sense. Considering how large this family’s damn house is, it’s hard for me to believe that Mason has to share a room with his younger brother and therefore can’t have his own space in which to privately relieve his aching balls.” This from a review on The Vulture.

It seems like the show is trying to hard to be many different things and its leading to minimal character development and continuous plot. This can lead to problems for any show and while the show did premiere to strong and sound ratings thanks to a Halo from Roseanne to be discussed in my next blog, that halo seems like it may not be enough to save the show if the audiences don’t connect.