Effects and Impact of Electronic Media I

by Carli Blau, Brittany Dandy, Matthew Hudson, Thomas Walker

Here is the link to the FCC report I discussed during our presentation. This PDF includes regulations set forth in 2007 loosening standards on TV violence after 10pm. The FCC still heavily regulates inappropriate content between the hours of 6am and 10pm. FCC-07-50A1.pdf

Posting videos are impossible so here is a funny Family Guy clip via link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NDPT0Ph5rA

Here is an interesting article I found online at Dawn.com. The article deals with children and violence on TV. It has been determined that violent shows do not make content more appealing to kids as originally thought. http://www.dawn.com/2011/11/26/violence-doesnt-make-tv-more-enjoyable.html

There is a really interesting article online at the Wall Street Journal about the impact that television has on young children and teenagers. It proves that a recent study found that the number of children ages 2-11 are watching television less frequently than they did last year. The number of children was expected to raise a significant amount and yet, it was found that it dropped. Read here for more on the article.

It is proven that young children watch on average a few hours of television each day. Some researchers find that there is extensive proof that says that children who watch an extensive amount of television are more likely to be aggressive than children that don’t. Whether or not this is true is difficult to decipher, as after much research many different doctors and analysts have different opinions. This particular PDF is offered by The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Please click here to download the PDF

Here is an article by the Parent’s Television Council that explains Violence on TV research and how there is finally a conclusion regarding whether or not children watching violence on TV makes a different or enhances the child’s ability to be aggressive in real life. The debate over the topic is wild, especially when you look further into it.

Violence in Media

Research and the Effects of Media

There is much money to be made in how we use the media. There is a sense now, that everyone is connected in some capacity or another. We all have cell phones, televisions, iPods, and the like. If research is able to be done that can help companies key in on their target audience, they can spend more time, money, and focus on that single group, rather than conducting ‘blanket marketing.’ The link below provides a look at a survey that is being done by The Missouri School of Journalism and the Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) that will take a look at the motives that drive consumers. Using research there is a way of gaining a better understanding of who the market is and what pushes consumers to operate how they do. Once that information is known, media can use that information appropriately and capitalize. This article shows that laboratory research is a driving force in understanding the effect of media. Without research, a lot that is done would simply be guesswork. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/national-study-will-determine-motives-that-drive-consumers-media-preferences-and-behaviors-2011-11-29

In terms of studying the effects of media, is there a better gage or survey type than today’s social media? Twitter and Facebook provide a controlled environment into looking at who likes what shows, what’s most talked about and who is watching what. Given that social media is still relatively new, there is not a definite answer at how to use it to ones advantage. In terms of research, however, numbers are being gathered as a way of seeing if it is worth it for a company to make a social media push and advertise via those channels. This link provides a look at research being done to try and quantify social media’s impact on TV program awareness, engagement, and viewing decision. A quote from the report states that, “One in three (34%) of social media users ever Like/Follow/Friend TV programs.” This is valuable information for the future. As long as social media is relevant, which is appears that it will be for the foreseeable future, media outlets must find a way to quantify and capitalize on its promise.