Code Black- Post #3

With many medical dramas on tv today, it may be hard for Code Black to compete. There is already Grey’s Anatomy which already has a huge established fan base who may not want to become loyal to another medical show. However, Code Black has been compared to ER since it is set in an emergency room, which may differentiate it from other shows and allow it to be successful with its ratings.  According to The Observer, which gave reviews of all the new Fall TV shows, Code Black falls under the “Watch” category. Entertainment Tonight also listed it as a must watch show because “it’s gritty,inspiring, and at times heartbreakingly realistic.”

The realistic aspect of the show is something creator Michael Seitzman prides himself on. He wanted to give the show a authentic, and realistic feel so that the viewers could better relate and emphasize with the characters and situations. To do so, the show hired real medical staff and required all the main actors to go through training to become familiar with medical jargon and procedures. In addition, it’s filmed in a documentary style which is new for a medical show.

Code Black will premiere next week against Chicago P.D and Nashville, so I look forward to seeing how it competes, and if the audience is receptive to the authentic and documentary style of the show.