The Grinder: Post #3

Not to be confused with the homosexual dating app, Grindr, Fox’s new show “The Grinder” premiering Tuesday September 29, 2015 at 8:30/7:30 PM-C has not shied away from social media. The new sitcom encourages viewer participation, posting daily to their social media outlets: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and their personal website where viewers can photoshop uploaded selfies into a photo with the cast members.

Selfie with "Grinder" characters

                -Upload your own Picture-

Although social media is mainly prevalent among younger generations, a recent article from CommonSenseMediapredicts a broad audience for the upcoming comedy, stating that the storyline pertains to both older and younger demographics. With a storyline focused on sibling rivalry and family dynamics, Fox is hoping many families will relate to the Sanderson clan. If anything else, audiences will find it hard not to fall in love with the brotherly antics between Dean and Stewart, touched upon in a recent TVGuide piece titled “Why the Grinder is the Funniest New Comedy of the Season.” The two characters compliment one another with Dean’s outgoing, handsome, bravado type contrasting Stewarts safe, grounded, fatherly image.