The Muppets Post #5 – Jamie Zaslav

The Muppets went down in its third week and I think it is time to take a serious look at the problems with the show. The 18-49 viewer rating plummeted over .5 points to a 2.45 rating. It’s ratings share for the evening was a 1.6/6. The show got out performed by The Voice and NCIS.

There are some clear problems with the programming. There are groups of mothers up in arms due to some of the sexually explicit themes and innuendoes. The show is not reaching the younger generationg that The Muppets is known for gathering. I think ABC put too much trust in the belief that because it’s the Muppets all children will watch, but they aren’t. It is not the Muppets of the 1970’s. Mothers have been protesting the show for weeks. The new show is aimed at a mature, modern audience.


You can find the episode here:

