Minority Report- Post #12 People’s Choice Award

This coming Monday is going to be Minority Report’s final episode. The season and series will be over. None of the over-the-top(OTT) subscription sites have picked it up to continue and as far as I know none of the international networks have picked it up either. This past week the ratings dropped as well. The ratings dropped to .54 and 1.52 million viewers. According to some sites, this might be because it was a holiday week and people were traveling and not as focused on their weekly television schedules, causing fewer viewers to tune in this week. Minority Report also did not follow the tradition of having a Holiday themed episode. Most series write an episode either around Thanksgiving or Christmas/ New Years, or both. Minority Report did not take part in this and it does not look like that will be the case for the finale next week either. There was no advertising for a holiday special and there was very little commercial time for the series finale either.

Before the pilot premier and throughout the series the show never really had very much publicity. I noticed that I was always seeing commercials for Fox’s other shows as opposed to Minority Report. They have however started to sell commercial time for the episodes that are shown online on Fox.com. I am not sure if this is the case for the show when it airs during its prime time slot on Monday nights though.

The most shocking part about this whole season is that even though it is most likely over after this season, the fans that watched really support it. The show was nominated for a people’s choice award. This isn’t a huge award show but it still means that it has fans that voted for it.

This season has left me with multiple unanswered questions. First, will this effect Spielberg’s reputation at all because he put his name on it as the executive producer and played a huge role in the beginning phase of the show? Will this people’s choice award nomination increase awareness and start talks for possible deals to keep the show going through other OTT and VOD subscription sites? Most importantly, how will it end?! Will the Precogs end up back in the milk bath and if so will they stay there? I am finally hooked to this show as is sadly comes to and end, but I will just have to wait and see.