Quantico #12: What’s Keeping Quantico Alive?

There’s one more episode left of Quantico before the winter finale. Last week the show was off since ABC was airing the American Music Awards. It was shaky to see if viewers would tune in again and also remember what was going on in both plot lines. But with Quantico’s busy double plot line and many characters coming in and out of the story how are viewers staying caught up and interested in the show? The show has been doubling their audience viewership in L+7 viewing so far this season and has been boosting their 18-49 by to about a 3.0. Quantico has been the best show this season to have Live plus boosts in timing. The spring premiere is coming back on Sunday March 6th in the same 10pm time slot. There will be a new lead-in for the series, a time period piece called The Family. Its original fall lead-in Blood & Oil had its season shortened to 10 episodes and will not be coming back midseason.