Legends of Tomorrow – Post #1

Pilot-Part 1 

This past Thursday night, a new team of heroes joined the silver screen. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow premiered to 3.14 million viewers and joined fellow DC heroes of the Green Arrow and the Flash.

Superheroes on television is hardly a novel idea, but it appears as if the CW has gotten the formula down to a science. But there comes a time when there is too much superheroes in mass media. In a time where there is so much saturation when it comes to the caped crusaders, it becomes hard to stand out.

Legends of Tomorrow accomplishes that. With a new team of superheroes instead of a single hero destines to save his city, this team consists of both heroes and villains fighting in the past to save the future. Definitely an interesting concept, but it will be interesting to see what happens as this show progresses. With a history of superheroes on the CW, it should be easy for Legends to be competitive in this saturated market.