Last Monday night, January 25th 2016, FOX premiered their new show Lucifer, starring Tom Ellis. The show is built around Lucifer, a character who’s personality and traits are adapted from a supporting character in Neil Gaiman’s comic book, The Sandman. The show focuses on Lucifer, a confused supernatural being whose torn between what he wants to do and what he’s supposed to do.
Lucifer premiered a 2.4 rating, which made it the night’s second highest show. Along with a 2.4 rating, the show also had 7.15 million viewers. Many believed The X-Files did a tremendous job in helping Lucifer attract a larger audience since the show was scheduled right before at 8 p.m on FOX. However, although The X-Files might have helped bring in a great rating, the show still received a lot of social media attention. Throughout the week the trending hashtag for the show was #LuciferisHere. And along with the trending hashtag, lead actor Tom Ellis was very active on Twitter. Ellis’ twitter page showed many re-tweets and responses to his fans from all over. As for the shows Twitter page, this also showed to be very active in answering, re-tweeting and speaking with fans. The Lucifer twitter page currently has 24.8 thousand followers.