Rush Hour- Post #3

This week I decided to look at how CBS’ Rush Hour was trending on social media. Come to find out…it’s not. By a quick look at the show’s Facebook page it only has 1,946 likes, which is considerably more than its measly Twitter page. The show’s Twitter page has 519 followers. This is pretty weak on CBS’ part. Their new show is coming out in a little over a month and this is the extent of their social media presence? This proves to me that many people do not know about the show, and this is CBS’ fault. They need to be marketing this show more on TV AND on social media pages. If they do not get more exposure quickly this show could  turn out to be a big bust for them and could cost them a lot of money. It is worth noting that during the Super Bowl they only aired one promo for Rush Hour and it was BEFORE the game even started. Not a very smart marketing tactic in my opinion. CBS needs to expose this show a lot more and it needs to start now to gain word-of-mouth buzz.