Cooper’s Guide — Post #11

Another week, another abysmal performance by Cooper’s Guide.  The show received a 0.4 rating for its new episode “How to Survive Your Parents’ Visit” last Sunday, which marks the third week in a row that the show received a rating of 0.5 or lower.  Furthermore, barely over a million viewers tuned in to watch.

There is still no official word on whether or not the series has been cancelled or not, but it is very possible that this episode was the last that will air.  The other three unaired episodes have been preempted by FOX for now and if they do air at all, it will not be for weeks.  The finale of the series was originally scheduled to air on May 8th.  Now, the time slot for the show on May 8th is instead going to a rerun of The Simpsons, meaning that all three episodes that have yet to air would be airing after the original scheduled date of the finale.