Will & Grace #2

Will & Grace has just always been one of “those” show. It’s had huge followings and even if people weren’t fans of the show, everyone and their grandmother has sat down and watched at least one episode. Beucase of its popularity its always had high ratings; and what do high rating means- high advertising prices.

In its peak in 2003 a 30 second advertisement cost $414,500. It was the second highest advertising price on television that year.

As a reboot, it’s expected that advertising prices will be high for this fan favorite, but nobody could guess how high prices actually are. A 30 second commercials costs on average $211,856, which puts it in the top quadrant of prime-time TV shows.

Although it’s not as high as the peak of the show, that was never expected, the show needs to rebuild its fan base to get to that top spot again. But what should be noted is that this current price is almost the same cost as it was 11 years ago in the final season. I have no doubt that as the show goes on advertisement prices will rise even higher than they did in the shows prime.