Will & Grace #6

It was shocking to see this week that Will & Grace’s total viewership dropped again this week. The show’s viewership has now fallen almost 40% since it first aired a month ago. With that being said the show still got 6.51 million viewers, which is simply nothing to squawk at.

Although the dive in viewers isn’t great, Will & Grace got a major merit this week. Grey’s Anatomy is a longtime favorite show for Thursday night viewers and has been on the air since Will & Grace left 11 years ago. It captured the hearts of Thursday night viewers and is normally the most watched scripted show on Thursday nights, but with its absence this week Will & Grace was able to take that title! This is no small feat for a CBS sitcom- for example the sitcom “The Good Place” which is Will & Graces lead in got only 3.92 million viewers this week- nearly half of what Will & Grace raked in. Hopefully next week Will & Grace is able to keep their title and even raise back up in viewership.

