Will & Grace #9

Will & Grace may be done for its fall season with 6 incredible episodes, but that does not mean they are done. This reboot has done better than anyone expected and I suspect that the reason is because they “are brining nostalgia back”.

As if fans aren’t pleased enough with having their four favorite fabulous friends back together, the way Will & Grace is bringing in an amazing amount of viewers each week is by bringing in old favorites to raise that nostolog-meter up and playing off of fan favorites.

The show has brought back not only great characters, but A-list actors to warm the hearts of old viewers and draw them back in. Some of the greats like Harry Connick JR. playing his infamous role of Leo, Minni Driver as Karen’s mortal enemy Lorraine Finster, and Leslie Jordan as Beverly Leslie have been brought back to make the show as great as it is.

As an old fan how could you not tune into your favorite show when they bring back your favorite cameos. It’s smart Will & Grace is playing in as many old facts as possible in order to get and keep the fans they once had.

