Splitting Up Together #12

Apparently the ABC Tuesday 9:30pm timeslot has become somewhat of a death sentence the past few years for the network. Since Fall 2016 four shows have now occupied this time slot; “The Real O’Neils” & “Imaginary Mary” last season, “The Mayor” in the Fall & now “Splitting Up Together”.

Currently its a bit difficult to determine exactly how “Splitting Up Together” as its ratings are still on an initial decline and have yet to level off. Although this past week the ratings did dip down to a 1.0 rating with 3.62 million viewers. While this does seem like a strong performance it is worth noting that “The Mayor” also had ratings of a 1.2 with 3.8 million viewers in one of its early weeks as well and that show got cancelled. “Imaginary Mary” also had an average rating of 1.02 and was cancelled so it will be important in the coming weeks to keep an eye on the shows ratings to see if it can break the mold in this Tuesday comedy block. One last thing worth noting is that “Imaginary Mary” had ratings that slid as low as 0.5 later on its run so as long as “Splitting Up Together” doesn’t slide that far it may be safe.