Life in Pieces – Post #7

The fifth episode of Life in Pieces aired Monday night, pulling in its highest 18-49 rating since the premiere. The show has seen steady viewership but has been struggling to capture the key 18-49 demographic. Monday night’s episode received a 2.1 18-49 rating, a .3 increase from the previous episode’s 1.8 rating. Additionally, the show saw in rise in total viewers from 7.84 to 8.47, bringing the show’s average post-premiere viewership to around 8.5 million weekly viewers.

CBS will not air a new episode of Life in Pieces next week and, in the week following, the show will be moved to Thursday nights. Considering that Life in Pieces seems to have found a steady audience, this might not be as risky a move as it would seem. CBS appears to be confident that Life in Pieces can hold its own on Thursday nights without the help of a Big Bang Theory lead-in. Additionally, TVbytheNumbers has predicted that, following The Big Bang Theory and NCIS, Life in Pieces is the most likely show to be renewed by CBS.