Lucifer Post #5

On February 22nd, Lucifer brought in a rating/share of 1.5/4 and 4.91 million viewers. Since the premier of the series, both ratings and viewers have slightly decreased each week. However, the show still remains attracting viewers through online streaming, such as Hulu.

As for social media, Tom Ellis is now at 104.2 thousand followers and the Lucifer FOX account is at 36.4 thousand. Both accounts are still doing very well interacting with fans and critics. On Twitter, the shows hashtag has seem to change from mostly using #LuciferisHere to now just #Lucifer. From just #Lucifer, there has been 13.5 thousand tweets since the premier.

The Lucifer Facebook page has also been doing well with attracting fans each week. According to their Facebook page, they have 230,558 “likes” and a very active posting routine. After the series premiered the show began to post more episode previews on the Facebook page, which has large range of views. Many of the episode/series previews range between 13.6 million and 78.6 million views. Although this range is quite broad, the Facebook page shows to gain more viewers on their videos when the posts are more spread out.