Second Chance Post #7

Second Chance managed to bounce back from its slump in viewership last week, but its rating in the demo continued to remain stagnant. They broke the 2 million viewer mark this week (2.16 to be exact), but couldn’t shake the low (even for the FOX Network) rating.

There seems to be a lot of fan support for the show. People speak positively about it on social media and I’ve seen lots of articles discussing it and the merits of FOX renewing the show at the end of the season. One interesting thought is what might have happened if FOX hadn’t switched out Second Chance with Hell’s Kitchen in the Friday night timeslot? The first two weeks of the show had very decent audience numbers for a FOX show, but FOX moved the show after only two episodes. I can’t help but wonder if the original timeslot might have been a better fit and perhaps saved the show. On the other hand, it’s clear that regardless of when the show actually aired, FOX had little faith in it going into the season. As I’ve talked about before, the original order was cut back, so FOX must not be banking on the show to be much of a success.