Legends of Tomorrow (All About that Twitter)

If there’s one thing that Legends of Tomorrow is doing correctly, it’s their ability to use social media to their advantage.

The Legends twitter account has over one hundred and twenty three thousand followers. They re-tweet generously, allowing their fans to have a part of the conversation. Every episode is live tweeted from the account with ample promotion ahead of time. Throughout the week there are reminders to watch the show digitally on thecw.com as well as cross-promotion for Arrow and The Flash. 

On Facebook Legends has a little less luck with a little less than 850,000 likes on the page, and while they post the same content, there is a lot of discussion in the comments below. Legends is the most popular on Instagram with three hundred sixty eight thousand followers.

Social Media plays a huge role in a show like this due to the target demo. The younger the crowd the more activity on social media.