Lucifer Post #7

On March 7th, Lucifer brought in the same rating as the week prior, a 1.3. However, the share went down to a 4 and viewers went up to 4.35 million. Although the rating stayed the same, it’s great to see the viewers growing. Lucifer remains airing on both Amazon and Hulu, which has helped attract more viewers after each episodes airing. Those in the U.K have made a significant impact on streaming ratings by tuning into the series through Amazon. As for social media, over the week Lucifer continued to grow both on Facebook and Twitter. Both social media accounts remained very active in communicating with fans/viewers.

According to Twitter, Tom Ellis has started to advertise the show more on his account page by promoting his new hash tag, #RenewLucifer. It is quite clear that both cast and production team are working towards renewing the series for a second season, and by the looks for it, many fans are for it as well. Co-star Lauren German has also started to post more about the series and has begun interacting with fans on a more conversational level. In comparison, the Lucifer FOX page, still continues to re-tweet and post memes/pictures of both past and future episodes, as well as answer any questions that fans may tweet.

Overall, Lucifer is doing fairly well with both ratings and social media. By the looks of it, all those who are involved with the series have made a tremendous effort to show their fans how appreciative they are of their support.