Cooper’s Guide — Post #9

This last week was not kind to Cooper’s Guide.  In its new time slot, the show posted an abysmal 0.4 rating, with a measly 0.97 million viewers.  After coasting at a lowly but not quite as awful 0.8 rating for several weeks in a row, with a previous low of about 1.7 million viewers, the ratings absolutely nosedived, and the prospects do not look good from here.

TV by the Numbers has updated its Renew/Cancel standings, in which Cooper’s Guide previously held a 2 out of 5 rating.  Given the ratings nosedive, its standing was lowered to a measly 1 out of 5.  According to the site, this rating indicates the show is a “sure bet to be canceled by May 2016.”  It singles out Cooper’s Guide and fellow FOX disappointment Bordertown as two shows that are likely to be one-and-done.

Two new episodes of the show are set to be aired the next two weeks, so there are finally no more strange hiatuses between new episodes.  The performance of these two episodes will be critical; more ratings like last week would surely indicate cancellation.