The Family — Post #5

The Family received a slight uptick in its rating, going from a 0.63 the previous week to a 0.7 for the episode that aired on April 3rd.  The viewership also increased from 2.61 million to 3.13 million viewers.  While these two increases are positive, the overall totals the last three weeks are still lower than the first three weeks–especially when compared to the series premiere.

However, a very positive thing that the show has going for it is its social media buzz.  Its number of followers on Twitter has increased to almost 18,000, and fans are speaking amongst themselves using the hashtag #TheFamily.  Apparently the plot twists in the show lead to much speculation and discussion, as most of the fan tweets seem to be reactions to these twists.  The tweets containing the hashtag get a decent number of retweets and likes as well, showing that fans of the show seem to look up the hashtag and interact with other fans, collectively sharing their reactions to the show.