Cooper’s Guide – Post #2

During the brief hiatus that Cooper’s Guide is undergoing because of post-season football, I decided to look at the social media presence of the show and was disappointed with what I discovered.  The show only has slightly over 2,000 followers on its Twitter page.  A couple of its stars boast solid followings, with Meaghan Rath and Charlie Saxton having about 55,000 and 42,000 followers, respectively.  However, Jack Cutmore-Scott, who plays the title character, only has about 500 followers and Justin Bartha, perhaps the series’ most recognizable actor following his appearances in the Hangover films, does not even have a Twitter page.  Furthermore, Cooper’s Guide does not have an easily identifiable hashtag that can be used to discuss the show. This makes it difficult for me to track how often the show is being mentioned on social media, but, even worse, it means that fans do not have a single unified hashtag that they can use to discuss the show with each other.  With almost non-existent social media discussion, I wonder how the show will maintain enough buzz to do well after its hiatus.