Rush Hour- Post #2

The time has finally come. It is the sporting event that Americans look forward to each year. Of course, I am talking about the Super Bowl. Millions will tune in to watch the Denver Broncos play the Carolina Panthers and CBS has the honor of broadcasting the event this year. This is very big for the network and will gain them a lot of viewers and their ratings will be untouched this week. CBS also has the chance to advertise their shows during the Super Bowl and more people than ever will be exposed to commercials about CBS shows. This is a big advantage over other competing networks. I am not entirely sure if CBS is going to, but they really should think about advertising their new show Rush Hour to get people to start talking about it and gain excitement. The show doesn’t air for another month and a half, but this is the best time for them to start the big advertising campaign. They can gather a lot of eyeballs today, and they can put Rush Hour ahead of any other network’s shows that may premiere at the end of March alongside Rush Hour. CBS can lock in an audience during the Super Bowl.