Lucifer Post #10

This week Lucifer brought in a rating/share of 1.2/4 and 3.79 million viewers. Both rating and share stayed exactly the same from the week before, but viewers went up 0.03. Over the last few weeks Lucifer has been maintaining a steady rate/share, although their viewers have been slightly fluctuating each week. However, since it’s premier back in January, Lucifer has been doing fairly well.

In regards to social media, Lucifer has been extremely active on their Facebook page with consistently posting newest clips and previews. Currently, the account has been promoting each recent episode and encouraging fans to go watch on FOX NOW. As for Twitter, Lucifer seems to be focusing on their hashtag, #LuciferOnFox, which is trending majority on Tom Ellis’ Twitter posts. However, last nights episode was the first episode that Ellis and co-star Lauren German, did not tweet or post any memes/clips about the show. But, German did post a short sneak peek to the Monday episode two days prior.

Although the stars weren’t active in tweeting during this weeks episode, both themselves and the Lucifer Twitter account continue to increase with Twitter followers each week. They all still maintain a strong interaction with fans and critics from all around.