The Catch Post #7

“Caliber sex and scandalous acts”: those are the words to describe ABC’s #TGIT Thursdays. For The Catch, audiences hope that the show lives up to the reputation. First there was the teasey performance of the tango by the main characters Alice and Ben revealing the deception of the con but the love that is still there between the two. If that didn’t ooze sex appeal, the new promo is filled with smokey touches and gripping sex showing the extreme chemistry between the two. The promo was only available on iTunes but was released to all sectors of video outlets.

The show’s page on has also been updated. There are new photos from the show and behind the scenes videos with commentary from the actors and actresses. The Twitter page for the show has gained over 10k more followers and Mirielle Enos has be responding to followers to thank for support.