Scream Queens – Post #2

Scream Queens is set as FOX’s anchor on its all-new Tuesday programming schedule, following Grandfathered featuring John Stamos and Rob Lowe in The Grinder. This is a bold move for the network, but they continue to exude confidence with these adjustments. Tuesday night’s schedule overall is highly focused on female content, leaving Ryan Murphy with the slight hesitation as to whether men will tune in, or not. It’s not a concern for Scream Queens creators, but it is a curiosity to see if men will become a fan of the show’s combination of horror-like elements, comedy and drama.

Pertaining to the show’s pre-production, it was interesting to read in Variety that Jamie Lee Curtis initially turned down her role, despite Murphy writing it specifically for her. Curtis’ primary reasoning was that she had bigger responsibilities back at home. Not taking no for an answer, Murphy created a shooting schedule for Curtis, grouping workdays into four-or-five day periods at a time and limiting her travel. There was no way she could pass this opportunity, and Curtis now considers it the role of a lifetime.

The show airs next week, so let’s see how the ratings pull through in next weeks blog!

Scream Queens – Post #1

In a little over three weeks, the highly anticipated two-hour pilot episode of Scream Queens will finally air on FOX at 8 pm. I say finally because of the impact of FOX’s marketing methods, which started way back in February, initially without ever filming a single frame. As producer Ryan Murphy set his key cast members in place, Joe Earley, Fox Television Group’s chief operating officer realized that it didn’t make sense to wait until the first episode was shot to begin releasing ads.

Earley paid special attention to the shows combination of blood and bubblegum, adapting this vibe to the show’s first 12 second teaser featuring a college-aged girl blowing a giant bubble that is popped by a knife revealing the show’s logo. This video was released on February 13th, a Friday. March also consisted of a Friday the 13th, where a second video teaser was released featuring Emma Roberts. The show’s actors as well as Murphy himself have frequently tweeted and uploaded to Instagram to keep potential viewers invested in the show.

Seven months is an unheard of lead-time for a show on broadcast, but it may become more common as TV continues to lose its dependency by viewers to watch content. We will see if the early start was worth it on September 22.