Minority Report- Post #2 Turning Blockbusters In To Series?

As discussed in my last blog post, “Minority Report” is a sequel television series that is based off of the Steven Spielberg/ Tom Cruise 2002 film “Minority Report”. It turns out that this is a current trend for the upcoming fall series and Fox is not the only network to jump on the bandwagon. According to Variety.com, NBC is also bringing back “Problem Child” based on the 1990 John Ritter Film and CBS will be airing the series “Rush Hour” and limitless, both based on old films.

This seems to be the new trend for 2015 pilots, but it makes me wonder if movies being turned television series are just a way to lock in high ratings and an automatic fan base. Are networks running low on ideas or are they just trying to stick to what they know will sell. I’m curious to see if this already existing fan base of the 2002 film, “Minority Report”, will effect the ratings next Monday night when the new Fox series premiers.

Below you can find the trailers for both 2002 film and the 2015 TV series.