Second Chance Post #3

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With each passing week, it’s more and more clear that FOX’s “Second Chance” will more than likely not be getting one… The show dropped to a 0.6 rating pulling only 2.24 million viewers. A .1 decline from last week’s .7 rating in the demo.

Interestingly enough, the show has been getting paltry ratings but its social media following tells another story. On Facebook, Second Chance has 11,922 likes — not too bad, but then again a show like Empire has 3+ million. What’s interesting about the following Second Chance has is that the interaction their posts have is nearly universally positive. Especially on Facebook, I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen a page whose comments are universally positive. On almost everything they post there are a bevy of comments saying how great the show is and how disappointed viewers will be if the show gets cancelled. The engagement numbers aren’t high, but the engagement they do get is overwhelmingly positive.