The Resident #9

Why did The Resident absolutely tank in ratings this week compared to last week?


On March 26th the show received a rating of 0.9, and on April second it went down to 0.3. Last week it had 4.21 million viewers, this week it had 1.78.


The drop in ratings was due to the March Madness final game on TBS.

Most Networks knew they would lose ratings so they chose to air repeats of episodes. Fox took the night off and showed repeats in all time slots, including The Resident. CBS showed repeats as well except for its new show Living Biblically. This was strategic because the networks know they cannot compete with such a big event.


NBC and ABC still decided to show new episodes because they lead Monday nights with The Voice and American Idol. The Voice generated 9.91 million viewers while Idol generated 7.08.