Second Chance Post #8

This past Friday, Second Chance continued to drop in the ratings. Even for FOX, a 0.5 in the 18-49 demo isn’t very good, but a total audience of about 1.91 million is still respectable. According to TV By the Numbers’ renew/cancel weekly standings, the show still has not been officially cancelled by FOX, but it’s thought that this will probably occur by May of this year. Being that the season order was cut down before the show even aired, renewal isn’t likely.

It is interesting to note that since I last blogged about Second Chance’s Facebook pages, the number of people who like the page has increased by over 7,000. The total number of likes now sits at over 18,000. Everything the page posts gets good social engagement and fans seem very happy/dedicated to the show. When going to the FOX website, Second Chance is pretty far down on the homepage so they don’t seem to be actively promoting it on web. A cool feature that they do have is called Latest Buzz which is found on the show’s homepage within the FOX website. Here, they curate what people are saying about the show on social media which includes official show accounts, stars of the show, and general fan tweets. It’s done in a very attractive and clean layout. Just shows once again that social is really a requirement for today’s television…