Station 19 #3

#Station19 has had more traction this week as they have begun shooting and posting pictures. Wendy Calhoun, a producer for Station 19, tweeted a picture of the real life firefighter tech and stunt crew, showing their incorporation of real life heroes into the show. Even though the post did not receive a lot of attention, I think this is an important factor of the show that will most likely be brought up in interviews and press tours. In regards to the buzz around the show, ABC has announced that Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19 will be having a crossover episode on March 1st, titled “You Really Got a Hold On Me.”. This will be a great introduction to the Station 19 actors and will be airing before the Scandal and How To Get Away with Murder crossover episode. It will be a full night for #TGITCrossover and will garner a lot of social media attention.



Turchiano, D. 2018, February 08. ABC Announces ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and ‘Station 19’ Crossover Episode. Retrieved from