Scream Queens – Post #9

The fall TV season has surpassed its first month of being on air, and the fate of new series are beginning to be announced; renewals, series limitations and general cuts. Scream Queens has yet to hear back from FOX executives, and though it may seem a bit late in the game, patience has become the new norm. Due to increased viewing in live+3 and live+7, broadcasters like FOX are forced to evaluate a plethora of data and then interpret said information. Executives must also balance future revenue opportunities. Since Scream Queens has FOX as its producer, distribution deals are a helpful side aspect to be taken into account. A great benefit from this specific series is that it targets a young female audience – advertisers have trouble reaching this category elsewhere. Ultimately from all of the data, FOX will evaluate the series with all of these factors taken into account. Does FOX foresee a reliable long tail for the future for Scream Queens fans?

Scream Queens – Post #7

Scream Queens has been receiving some strong backlash lately from The Parents Television Council for showcasing “graphic decapitations and discussions of necrophilia”.
Although the comedic horror is rated age appropriate for 14-year-olds and airs at 7 pm in some time zones, the council doesn’t find these topics to be suitable for such an audience. Arguments are increasing against the show’s excessive use of violence, general nastiness and sexualized dialogue. Parents are warned to keep their children and teens as far away from viewing this program as possible.

The most surprising foscream-queens-ptc-mcdonalds1cus within these complaints is how McDonalds, an active advertiser during the show, is being urged to stop its affiliation with the program. The Council states how these weekly commercials reflect the brand’s positive stance on sexual fantasies with corpses and senseless killings. The organization went on to say that sales are falling for The Golden Arches due to poor sponsorship decisions and their own franchise is being negatively impacted through such relationships.

At the end of this week’s episode review, a link was included to write to McDonalds to share concerns. Is PTC taking this too far?

Grandfathered Blog #5

Last week, Grandfathered premiered on Tuesday September 29th at 8 PM. The episode introduced the audience to the new characters including John Stamos’ character Jimmy who is a middle-aged bachelor who owns and runs a trendy restaurant and gets the surprise of his life when his unknown son Gerald, played by Josh Peck comes into the restaurant his daughter, Jimmy’s grand-daughter. Within the first few minutes, the audience gains a clear insight to who each of these characters truly are through the comedy writing.

GRANDFATHERED: Pictured: John Stamos as Jimmy. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Jennifer Clasen/FOX

GRANDFATHERED: Pictured: John Stamos as Jimmy. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co., John Stamos talks about how Grandfathered character is nothing like his real-self.


In terms of ratings, the show was competing against The Voice (Results), NCIS, The Flash, and The Muppets, and these shows emphasized the variety of programming for broadcast on Tuesday evenings. Although, the live premiere ratings were not phenomenal with 1.5/5 share rating. The live + same day + 3 days grew 33% and become 7.1 million after the 3 day result. This indicates that many people were curious about this new programming but the time slot might not have worked in their schedule. It will be interesting to see if those curious viewers stick around for another episode.